Need a bit of info here.
Said mentioned Speedy calls us Quims (oh god how we larfed down the blind beggar)
I retort that the only 'ladies front bottom" involved is him
he PM's me.......
Quote ="Speedy"Thats about your barrow isnt it, sat behind a key board in another country calling me a friend, You wouldnt be so brave saying that at the side of me would you ? But carry on if you want you pathetic excuse for a failed medical experiment eh
Now...I like Castleford ( neither here nor there I know, but I do), but why in all that is sacred do you put up with numbnetz like this?
Asking me out on a public forum......ooohhh...(never mind his not knowing that "quim" and "c()nt" are the same thing...
Seriously hope you lot don't get binned in 2011 (and my lot for that matter), but FFS, control your bridge dwellers...they are entertaining, but also a reflection on you!