Quote The Lucky Black Cat="The Lucky Black Cat"I have always said that I didnt expect us to win anything this year as its a rebuilding one. But its the little things that for me is not right. I try to look at more than just one game because its easy to have an off day. What concerns me are a couple of things like:
DEFENCE-Against Dewsbury, Fev etc we had no linespeed or aggression or enthuiasm. Both Dewsbury and Fev showed far more of that than our players did. Why? Why did we not slow down Fev and Dewsbury like they did to us?
TACTICS-Why are we playing one man Rugby and our halfbacks not getting involved and getting the backs the ball? Worrincy, White look low on confidence because they are giving no ball. They do nothing wrong but in comes Reittie who is slow as and for me has done nothing to earn a place over White for example last night. The centres also look lost when the ball does get to them. The backs are just rarely being used and in the right way. The way Fax are playing is boring and predictable and we are no closer to ending Fevs dominance than under Calland.
MOANING-Karl is moaning about the slow PTB. But thats part of the game and teams know Fax want the quick PTB as we have little else to offer in attack. I would rather Karl say nothing and work on with his team on having an option where we are not reliant on quick PTB. Many of our faults are of our own making. Problems with the Halfbacks, lack of use with the Backs, one man Rugby, no enthuiasm in defence etc'"
Your right mate and there's more besides.
All we can do is give it time,I'm sure it will come good.
Just thinking and I haven't done a count but how many competative games discounting friendlies have we played with the current coaching and playing squad, not too many.
Also how many times have we been able to field the same team, there has been a lot of disruption right from the start of the season up untill now.
We are part time as well.
Sam, Mikali and Divo missed the start, Rob wasn't getting a game, Micky Nanyn got injured in training before the real season started. Morro played about twice, then Ben Heaton and Steve Tyrer followed soon after, now Divo and Ben again etc etc.
All these injuries affecting so many players, and a couple of suspensions thrown in will have a significant bearing.
No wonder there is a rapour and understanding problem between the players sometimes when so many inviduals keep coming in and out of the side I think it is a factor affecting both the attack and defence at the moment and why things look so disjointed at times.
Same for all clubs I know but it's even harder when a new side is being rebuilt like Fax who are still in their infancy currently speaking.
Anyway iv'ed convinced myself and feel much better, in view of the above "Well played Fax" you did well to even score 4 points last night
We'll still be there anyway mate, there's nowhere else to go or would want to go, so heads up