Apparently Barrow broke two Operational Rules:
Such Contracts whether full or part time shall record all financial benefits or benefits in kind that the Player may receive including but not limited to image rights agreements whether or not the Player is a beneficiary of such image rights agreements and must be in the form of the RFL's Standard Player Agreement as from time to time specified by the Board. All variations to the contract made during the term must be lodged with the RFL within seven days of the agreement.
No Club or Club Official(s) shall loan money or goods or make any payment or provide any benefit in kind to a Player unless they are recorded in the Player's contract Any breach of this Operational Rule shall be deemed an unlawful payment, shall be treated as misconduct and may also be a breach of Salary Cap Regulations (Section E1 and E2) in which case, the offender shall be dealt with pursuant to Section D1 below as appropriate. '"
At least it wasn't as bad a punishment as Melbourne last year. Although Barrow were handed the maximum penalty for such a breach.