Well done for taking the time Mike, once again hes the man to step forward and meet the fans half way, as he has done for several years now.
I must however also say that people wanting to know who and what they will be watching next year, or next week, or tomorrow isn't unreasonable, everyone at HRLFC needs to appreciate fans are customers, it shouldn't de deemed in anyway unhelpful, unacceptable or inappropriate to want some honesty from time to time or to ask questions. Were talking about people who invest time and hundreds and thousands of pounds to the cause, aswell as yourselves.
In summary, I guess its people wearing hearts on sleeves aswell. I think maybe meeting in the middle might work, i.e Club, come on, don't dumb down every communication and blog, lots of fans have high enough IQ's to understand words containing more than 2 syllables. And to the fans, chill out! you know what were like, most of them have signed, well be fine.