The trouble is that we don't know who's responsible for the balls up, Ostick must have known, just about everyone who's ever been to a cup game knows about being cup tied, Matt as coach should be aware of the situation regarding every member of his team in this respect.
When Hally moved up to Football Director I was under the impression it was his job to make sure that we dotted the i's and crossed the t's as regards our fitness for super league so I'm not sure whether it would have been his responsibility, we don't have his job description so I don't think we can blame him yet and anyway, Hally was responsible for the post Faz turn around so he'll do for me.
If it does turn out to be Matt's fault and he gets the boot then please lets not go on the cheap and promote a player again. We need someone who has a proven ability as a head coach, I believe Hagan is free, if not maybe try Trinder's dad