Quote -Flea-="-Flea-"Hello Fax fans, as a long serving Halifax Town fan I would like to let you all know that the majority of us are either passive or well-wishing of the success of HRLFC.
I have in the last couple of years started following Fax the odd time and have to say witnessed some of the most exciting live sport moments I can remember (especially at Castleford last season!)
Hopefully with your continued success a few more footy fans will give it a go, and hopefully this can work both ways with FCHT's progress on the pitch.
With the new stand about to open the future looks bright for both clubs, and this progress will only be sped up with a good relationship between both clubs fans and directors.
Good luck for this season. Forget about the wind up merchants on the courier site and on the Halifax Town forum- they are the minority
Onward and Upwards TOGETHER
Spot on, totally agree and good luck to FC Halifax Town, get that Championship won and promotion.