Quote Alan="Alan"Remember watching Leigh, at Keighley, donkey's years ago, in a total mudbath. Anyway, Keighley changed kit at half time, into a set of white shirts, and Hill didn't re-appear. A knowledgeable Keighley fan told me it was because none of the white shirts was big enough, for Brendan!!
'" reffed him in an a team match some years ago against leigh got the team sheet 1hr before k.o. then 20 mins to go somebody came in saying they,d got a prob with brendon i thought he,d smacked someone but no he was down as 8 but couldn,t get it on was it alright if he wore 10 as he,d got that on and they,d struggle to get it back off (i did let it go) i wasn,t going to tell him he couldn,t play