Training Date Announced
Committee members of Oxford Cavaliers and Oxford RFU met this week to discuss arrangements for the coming rugby league season. The meeting was a very successful one and it has left the Cavaliers feeling positive about the season ahead. The club have the full support and backing of Oxford RFU and the link between the two clubs is expected to become a lot stronger this year.
As a result of the meeting we are happy to announce that the first training date will be held on Thursday 17th March at our home ground from 7:30pm till 9pm. The session will see the Cavaliers unveil their new head coach and the bar will be open after training where it is hoped everyone will go for a quick drink and a chat before heading off home.
The Cavaliers are hoping to have a good turn out at their first training session of the year especially as the new structure at the club will see the Head and Assistant coach working together to provide a structured session (something the club has been unable to achieve consistently for the last few seasons).
If anyone has any questions about any of the above or the season ahead please feel free to get in touch with Club Secretary John Connaughton
at or on 07980938321