Last September, I put a message up on this board, giving some details about my fifth novel "Two Seasons" which had just been published. It has a background of work, family, old friends and rugby league during 2002 and 2003 and is set in the fictional Lancashire town of Ashurst which I have located somewhere 'near' to St Helens, Warrington and Wigan.
I also mentioned the fact that throughout my five novels one of the main characters is the young orphan girl Thelma who had been born in Tonyrefail in 1944.
Over 1100 people read that message which I found quite amazing. Now I am curious to discover if any of those people ever read the novel and perhaps of greater interest to me as the author what they thought about it.
For those who didn't but who may be interested more details can be found on the web site of the publisher London League Publications at (look under fiction)
Also how easy will it now be for anyone living in Tonyrefail to get to your new ground this coming season? That might just provide me with a story line for my next novel, if I write one.