Quote Standee="Standee"
I don't believe in socialism to the extreme that Labour USED TO, I now find all sides morally bankrupt and corrupt to the core, Balls is great at being clever after the event, not exactly a talent to stand aside and say "I told you so" is it?'"
I would contend that forewarning of the very real perils of the tory slash & burn policy gives Ed Balls every right to say "I told you so"
Quote Standee="Standee"And the only things I have blamed Brown for were selling our gold at a RECORD LOW and raiding the pensions, but thy both get conveniently forgotten by some.'"
What useful purpose was "our gold" serving? The money raised was used to pay down the horrendous deficit left by the previous tory administration.
His "raid" on the pensions was also a very good method to prevent private companies raiding their own pension schemes and working an almighty tax dodge. Most final salary schemes were still viable, they just were no longer the cash cows that some companies saw them as.
Quote Standee="Standee"One thing is certain, it is going to get worse before it gets better, I just hope we all survive it as best we can.'"
It will not get worse for a very select few, the same select few that this government are clearly serving.
Quote Standee="Standee"I could talk about the duplicitous Blair crossing the ocean to fallate dictators, but he's teflon to some people.'"