Quote ="JerryChicken" ... Its fascinating to see how it all works though and how easily a population can be led quite deliberately down roads they never knew that they'd voted for - never again will I wonder how the German population actively voted for the Nazi party in the 1930s.'"
Indeed again.
[iThe Daily Mail[/i was in favour of fascism in the 30's.
It is my belief that if Britain had suffered the same fate as Germany, paying massive war reparations from WWI, rampant inflation, widespread joblessness and general feeelings of "we are better than this" ... fascism could just as easily have caught on here.
In circumstances like that it's easy to blame outsiders or perceived outsiders ... to 1930's Germany it was Jews and the racially "impure", fast-forward to UK 2013 and it's the EU that's to blame and all these immigrants taking our jobs.
We and Germans are not that different.
But, having been on the winning side in WWI when the USA finally joined in (having deliberately waited until the UK had virtually run out of men and money), we were not in the same position and, anyway, wouldn't have wanted to adopt some political ideal from some Johnny Foreigner anyway.