Just wondering if anybody knows or has relocated to the USA with a medical condition and how they got on getting medical insurance, whether that was private insurance or company sponsored insurance? It may be on the horizon for me but have Diabetes and am really confused.
I asked a potential future employer, and got this response, but I'm struggling to get my head around it. She told me;
Quote Our policy states that we do not have a pre-existing condition clause as long as you have had continuous coverage. '"
Quote The employee will need to provide a letter from the government (National Health Insurance) provider that shows he had proof of prior coverage. The pre-existing condition clause would not apply in this case.'"
Quote Yes, you would need a letter stating proof of insurance coverage in the UK in order for your pre-existing condition to be waived. That is the way most insurance companies in the United States work. If you can proof you have been covered (with insurance) for a medical condition, they cannot deny you coverage when you come onto their plan.
I am sure there is a way you can substantiate insurance coverage in the UK as I am sure others have relocated to the United States and had to prove prior coverage. I hope that helps. '"
Does anyone have any idea what this means in terms of healthcare over here in the UK considering I've never had medical insurance due to the joys of the NHS. Any help or advice would be welcome because right now, I'm clueless.