Quote Rock God X="Rock God X"Move away then, you halfwit. She reminds me of one of those stupid cows who would write in to [iPoints Of View[/i bemoaning the fact that they had to sit through an whole hour of foul language and violence, rather than just turning the telly over.'"
Reminds me of a motel we used to stay in on a regular basis. The whole of the sales team were staying one night and I managed to blag the night porter, who wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, to play a video on the in-house channel (after midnight I may add). I'd told him I needed to watch it so I could prepare for a sales presentation the following day. Anyone watching after midnight was treated to Debbie Does Dallas.
As I breezed through reception the following morning I couldn't help but overhear a middle-aged woman berating the poor night porter, proclaiming: "I've never sat through 80 minutes of such filth in my life".
Needless to say, the playing of customer-supplied videos was banned from then on