Claire Balding tweeted today ...
Quote big upIf you feel strongly about the all-male SPOTY list, it might be worth making the point to the sports editor of the paper you read the radio station you listen to, the TV stations you watch that their coverage of female sport is very, very limited in non-Olympic years Otherwise, the world will stay exactly the same. If you want more coverage of female sport, SAY SO'"
She was refering to this list ... [url[/url
Does she have a point, is the world of sports reporting totally dominated by males and male sport (I know that Mintball has experience of this) to the almost absolute exclusion of females, are we really bothered about female sport at all in non-olympic years, has anyone seen the BBC's attempts to "big up" female boxing recently by showing a couple of bouts and some background history on the participants and what did you think of the standard ?
Is there a place at all in the media for professional female sport or is it still seen as a bit of a joke ?