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| This must be a joke right?
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| Quote DaveO="DaveO"This must be a joke right?
Why must it be a joke? Just because the Government have proposed it, or because you actually have an issue with it? It seems to make sense to me, if you are a user who doesn't use major roads or motorways (Of which there are many) it would probably seem a good idea.
The Government is in a difficult place with this. Public transport was so badly neglected under previous governments that it's not a viable option for most road users. Without that in place, it's hard to tax road users more heavily.
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| Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"Why must it be a joke? Just because the Government have proposed it, or because you actually have an issue with it? It seems to make sense to me, if you are a user who doesn't use major roads or motorways (Of which there are many) it would probably seem a good idea.
The Government is in a difficult place with this. Public transport was so badly neglected under previous governments that it's not a viable option for most road users. Without that in place, it's hard to tax road users more heavily.'"
seems sensible to me, I wish they'd go fruther and abolish road tax etc and just put the price on fuel, why do my parents pay as much road tax as me when I do about 30,000 miles a year more than them? I'd like them to stick 3rd party insurance on the cost of fuel as well, that would go a long way to addressing the issues of un-insured drivers.
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| The key words here are "could", "proposed", and "we are looking at options." Plus, that article is from the Guardian. An absolute non-story, telling us nowt.
Dave, I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government, using that biased rag as backup, because frankly, you're starting to look bitter, twisted and out of date, and you're making us all cringe.
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| Quote ROBINSON="ROBINSON" I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government, using that biased rag as backup, because frankly, you're starting to look bitter, twisted and out of date, and you're making us all cringe.'"
there's quite a few on here that you describe well there ROBINSON.
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| Quote ROBINSON="ROBINSON"Dave, I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government.'"
I agree. There are far better reasons to bag the government at the moment.
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| Not a bad idea actually as you could easily identify which roads were "premium" roads by the fact that they had cameras on them, my wifes car hasn't had a sniff of a motorway in its lifetime so it would be ideal for that - if it weren't for the fact that we only pay £20 a year road tax on it anyway ...
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Quote ROBINSON="ROBINSON"The key words here are "could", "proposed", and "we are looking at options." Plus, that article is from the Guardian. An absolute non-story, telling us nowt.
Dave, I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government, using that biased rag as backup, because frankly, you're starting to look bitter, twisted and out of date, and you're making us all cringe.'"
Will this do? www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/new ... nment.html
It's a bit silly attacking the source when the story is the issue, not any bias surrounding it.
To even think about it is just daft and unfair, as the AA point point out. Plus I would imagine that most people suffer delays and serious congestion on inner city roads or A-roads around towns and cities rather than on the motorways.
Quote ROBINSON="ROBINSON"The key words here are "could", "proposed", and "we are looking at options." Plus, that article is from the Guardian. An absolute non-story, telling us nowt.
Dave, I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government, using that biased rag as backup, because frankly, you're starting to look bitter, twisted and out of date, and you're making us all cringe.'"
Will this do? www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/new ... nment.html
It's a bit silly attacking the source when the story is the issue, not any bias surrounding it.
To even think about it is just daft and unfair, as the AA point point out. Plus I would imagine that most people suffer delays and serious congestion on inner city roads or A-roads around towns and cities rather than on the motorways.
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| Have we already forgotten all the fuss surrounding the road-pricing proposals of a few years ago?
I believe it is inevitable, it's just which sucker government will have the balls to introduce it
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| Quote ROBINSON="ROBINSON"The key words here are "could", "proposed", and "we are looking at options." Plus, that article is from the Guardian. An absolute non-story, telling us nowt.'"
It's also in the Telegraph:
So now given it has been published in a right wing paper so must obviously be worth your consideration do you have an opinion on this "proposal" or not?
It's a more detailed article as well and the AA are quoted making some rather obvious points as to why it is a bad idea. Or are the AA too left wing for you as well and you only take note of what the RAC says?
Quote ROBINSONDave, I suggest you stop looking for silly reasons to bag the government, using that biased rag as backup, because frankly, you're starting to look bitter, twisted and out of date, and you're making us all cringe.'"
What makes us cringe is your defense of the government based on the fact its latest hair brained proposal was linked to on here in the Guardian rather than by extolling the merits of what was actually being proposed. It is your usual cop out and believe you me I was not in the slightest bit surprised to see it and I doubt anyone else was either.
The proposal is bonkers. The idea people can agree not to use motorways or A roads to get around the country with this enforced by number plate reading cameras all over the place is the nuttiest suggestion I have seen in a long time. What do you think to it? Or don't you actually have an opinion?
It's been reported in the Telegraph so you are now free to comment.
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| There is a case for charging the most against those who use the roads the most.
"Use" in this sense, would seem to me to be defined in two ways, a) wear/damage to the road and b) the congestion caused.
Keeping it simple, heavy vehicles cause the most wear and damage and also, by virtue of their size, congest the most.
Still keeping it simple, you can (roughly) relate the cost of upkeep of the roads to the amount of fuel used.
Hence, the simplest way of charging for road use is to slap an increase onto the existing tax on fuel, thereby eliminating the need for a tax disc at all (and saving the cost of all that pointless tax disc admin at the same time).
But no UK government (and least of all this one) has the cojones to do that.
No, they'd rather spend squillions on fancy gadgetry and move the congestion elsewhere ... utterly stupid.
Never thought I'd find myself in agreement with Standee but there you go.
But I don't agree with paying for third party insurance in the cost of fuel ... that premium needs to actuarially assessed.
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| The idea of road tax being on fuel is the most obvious one, but will never be applied as they succession of governments have used the price of fuel as a cash cow, and to add a further amount - even if it's only a penny a gallon - would be roundly criticised as being a 'stealth tax'. To make things worse, there are classes of cars for who the road tax is so low that they would immediately be on a loser.
The only REAL losers I can see here are people like myself with surprisingly thirsty machines for what they are - one of my scooter engines does around 25 to the gallon if I hammer it hard, but road tax is only about £30 IIRC - but I think they'd be in such a minority that they could be safely ignored.
As for the idea of multi level road pricing, that's a real and guaranteed way to cause more havoc and accidents on back roads, isn't it?