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| Quote obeone="obeone"www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103175/Boy-7-branded-racist-asking-schoolmate-Are-brown-come-Africa.html#
Who are these people!!
The mind boggles'"
I know. Who on Earth would read the Daily Mail?
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| You don't know what the boy said, the way he said it, the context of the conversation or the full reaction of the school. Despite this you feel confident in claiming third-hand info from a disreputable commercial source with a political agenda is symptomatic of the end of civilised society.
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| this made me laugh - More than 20,000 pupils aged 11 or younger were put on record for so-called hate crimes such as using the word ‘gaylord’.
And this struck as a bit odd - Ms White, who lives in a three-bedroom house with her son and nine-year-old daughter Olivia
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| To digress slightly from the story and answer the original question 'what are we doing?' :-
We started out striving for equality, a worthwhile and noble cause. This agenda has now gone too far - everyone is scared of being accused of some sort of discrimination, so every incident of 'hate' crime [sic is referred to the police or some sort of investigating authority. The upshot is that people from minorities are treated with kid gloves.
What more, [isome[/i people from minority groups have cottoned on to this, and are more than happy to take advantage of their 'minority' status to get preferential treatment.
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| Quote The Video Ref="The Video Ref"To digress slightly from the story and answer the original question 'what are we doing?' :-
We started out striving for equality, a worthwhile and noble cause. This agenda has now gone too far - everyone is poop scared of being accused of some sort of discrimination, so every incident of 'hate' crime [sic is referred to the police or some sort of investigating authority. The upshot is that people from minorities are treated with kid gloves.
What more, [isome[/i people from minority groups have cottoned on to this, and are more than happy to take advantage of their 'minority' status to get preferential treatment.'"
1. People aren't scared because of equal opportunities legislation. They are scared because they have not been kept fully informed, offered guidance, training etc.
2. There is no evidence I'm aware of supporting the claim that minorities are uniformly treated with kid gloves.
3. "Taking advantage" of [iany system[/i is nothing new. Why concentrate solely on minorities when corporate CEOs, bankers, tax dodgers all game the system?
4. Why not answer the real question here: have equal opportunities schemes gone some way toward achieving their goals?
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| Quote Mugwump="Mugwump"1. People .......are scared because they have not been kept fully informed, offered guidance, training etc.'"
OMG - how could anyone write such abject drivel? State naaying gone mad - people need to be trained (as opposed to reared) to get on with everyday life!? That one point sums up just how ridiculous things have become and the fact that a sentient being like you seemingly buys into it is quite frankly dismaying and even sickening.
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| Quote Dally="Dally"OMG - how could anyone write such abject drivel? State naaying gone mad - people need to be trained (as opposed to reared) to get on with everyday life!? That one point sums up just how ridiculous things have become and the fact that a sentient being like you seemingly buys into it is quite frankly dismaying and even sickening.'"
Jeez, clearly I must have been daydreaming when teachers I worked with regularly complained about lack of adequate training on the issue of race discrimination. Indeed, this very issue was raised as the #1 cause for concern amongst trainee teachers at Edge Hill who were placed in schools around Blackburn, Oldham, Burnley, Oswaldtwistle etc. with high (sometimes total) concentrations of ethnic minorities.
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| Seems, on reflection, I may have misinterpreted what you were saying. I now think you are referring to teachers et al reporting too easily. Initially, I thought you were referring to kids / people being trained in what they say in everyday life.
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| Quote Dally="Dally"Seems, on reflection, I may have misinterpreted what you were saying. I now think you are referring to teachers et al reporting too easily. Initially, I thought you were referring to kids / people being trained in what they say in everyday life.'"
Given that [ilegislature [/irelating to racial discrimination has changed quite dramatically over recent years how do children know what and what not to say without being taught?
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I agree with the legislation, what I don't agree with is the over-zealous interpretation that some people and public bodies take, which seems to have sparked the story referred to by the original poster.
I refer to another reporting of the story:
www.thisishullandeastriding.co.u ... story.html
Quote Abel Rivera, chief officer of Humber All Nations Alliance, which works with 38 different ethnic groups in Hull to encourage race equality, backed the school. “The boy has singled another pupil out on the basis of his colour. That is discrimination and it’s wrong.” '"
Based on the reporting of the story - a white child enquiring as to why another child has dark skin - the statement of Abel Rivera is, quite clearly, complete nonsense.
The mother in question was right to refuse to sign any paperwork admitting 'racism', and could perhaps explore the possibility of her son bringing a claim for libel / slander against the school, and perhaps HANA too
There seem to be a number of people who have a vested interest in promoting the idea that racism has happened, often in situations where no such behaviour has taken place. More worryingly, these people are often paid / subsidised by the public purse.
I agree with the legislation, what I don't agree with is the over-zealous interpretation that some people and public bodies take, which seems to have sparked the story referred to by the original poster.
I refer to another reporting of the story:
www.thisishullandeastriding.co.u ... story.html
Quote Abel Rivera, chief officer of Humber All Nations Alliance, which works with 38 different ethnic groups in Hull to encourage race equality, backed the school. “The boy has singled another pupil out on the basis of his colour. That is discrimination and it’s wrong.” '"
Based on the reporting of the story - a white child enquiring as to why another child has dark skin - the statement of Abel Rivera is, quite clearly, complete nonsense.
The mother in question was right to refuse to sign any paperwork admitting 'racism', and could perhaps explore the possibility of her son bringing a claim for libel / slander against the school, and perhaps HANA too
There seem to be a number of people who have a vested interest in promoting the idea that racism has happened, often in situations where no such behaviour has taken place. More worryingly, these people are often paid / subsidised by the public purse.
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| if the boy asked the question innocently then I agree that he is the victim here. It's a nonsense.
I remember when one of my girls was little. She has a profound language disorder and never lies, just says things as she perceives them. Anyway, she was out with Mrs D and she noticed a "black" man sitting nearby (and in earshot) and just said "Mummy, why is that man brown? Is he dirty?" That was very awakward for Mrs D, but the child was just observing and trying to learn. Despite the extremity of her comment, viewed from an adult perspective there was no way in the world that she was being racist - just confused and interested.